Be prepared for your child’s ski lesson

Making sure your children are ready for ski lesson is the key to getting the most out of their time at ski school.  

Even as experienced ski instructors we are always learning but we don’t like to keep it to ourselves. 

We spend a lot of time on the mountain teaching children how to ski. One big thing we have come to understand is that happy, comfortable children improve quicker. 

The starting point for a happy child is how prepared for they are for the lesson.

Children who turn up to lessons ready will learn more, have fun and develop a lasting passion for the sport. 

So we asked our instructors for their top tips on making sure your children are ready for ski school.



Mitts are best, particularly for tiny children. Trying to get little hot damp fingers into gloves can be tricky and time-consuming which can lead to frustration.

Hands will come in contact with snow more than any other part of the body. So it is essential that gloves are good quality, breathable and waterproof.

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Goggles are the best option in the colder months. Always ensure these are clean and scratch free. We all benefit from clear vision.​

Think about your child's lenses. Yellow tinted goggles on a sunny day don’t offer the best protection. They don’t provide relief from the bright sun and snow reflection. They will cause a child to squint and can have negative effects on your child's eyesight. 

A good pair of plastic children’s sunglasses with high sun protection is better during warmer months. The eyes are still protected, but they can regulate their temperature without taking the eye protection off. 

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Always make sure your child's helmet fits properly. A helmet that is too big will rest on the back of the head with the chin strap in the mouth. Ill-fitting helmets do not provide adequate protection.

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Always make sure the boots fit, are comfortable and have been put on the correct feet!

Ensure all layers on the lower legs in contact with boots are smoothed out before tightening the boots.

Make sure no part of the ski pant is tucked into the boot. Creases & lumps of material between the shin and boot can be really uncomfortable.


Jackets should meet or overlaps with gloves and trousers. Ill-fitting clothing that exposes skin or base layers can cause discomfort in many ways such as cold, wet, ice burn or sunburn. 

Make sure that they don’t wear all their layers during the car journey; otherwise, they’ll feel cold once outside.

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Your child's wellbeing

Check your child has enough money in their pocket for a drink or snack.

Make sure that the child has been to the toilet just before the lesson. A lot of time can be wasted for unscheduled breaks.

Please ensure that the instructor knows about anything that may affect the child’s lesson, eg small aches, and pains, tiredness or anything that may seem small in normal circumstances but may be magnified at altitude or in colder weather.

If you keep these tips in mind when getting your children ready for ski lessons they will have a much better experience and a positive ski lesson.

A huge thanks to our instructors Paul, Patrick, Rich, Dave, Matt, and Emma for sharing their top tips and putting this article together.


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